My baby is almost 4 months old. He knows how to yell and arch his back when he doesn't want something or when he's very tired. He's still great at putting himself to sleep and can still sleep anywhere, including his crib. He grabs at everything and of course it goes straight into his mouth. He knows how to keep his binky in his mouth now and it soothes him. He has found his feet, smiles at himself in the mirror, pulls mommy and daddy's hair, laughs when he's tickled or at funny faces and sounds, and talks to himself. We practice tummy time still but still not rolling over. He takes a bottle when he has to but he'd rather not. I swear his eyes turned all the way brown today. They had a little green in them but I guess he just won't look anything like me at all :( He's a mini Barry all the way. His hair is about 3 inches long on top and we think he's around 15 or 16 lbs. (Normal 1 year olds are about 20 lbs+/-). He loves to stand when being held on your lap and he's totally mastered neck control. His nicknames include 'Little B,' 'Mini Barry', and 'Punky'. He loves to play peekaboo, hang out with his grandma on tuesdays, take walks and look at the trees, kick in his musical bouncy chair. He doesn't mind his carseat, and plays in his exersaucer and johnny-jump-up. He's starting to drool and blows bubbles saying brbrbrbrbrbrbr....especially to get your attention!! We think he's the best baby in the whole wide world....right now he's helping me type by sitting on my lap and chewing on my hands.

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