<----Our Sweet Baby!
Our poor baby has a stuffy nose...I hate putting saline drops in his nose and using the aspirator. He screams at me. Other than that he is doing great. He's definitely getting more vocal...although crying is still at an extreme minimum. He coos and gurgles some, awake and asleep. He was pretty grumpy this morning which isn't normal either. I gave him a bath and now he's happily sleeping in the Baby Bjorn. He's doing great sleeping in his little co-sleeper still as well as his basinet during the day. He's a big eater...usually every 2 hours. He'll usually go for at least one 4 hour stretch of sleep without eating a day/night.
Last night we had our first post-partum class...we shared birth stories. It seems that I had the experience closest to my birth plan. It's amazing how much can happen that you don't plan for. I'm just thankful I didn't have to have anything I didn't want (except for stitches...but they're all worth it.) Of course I forgot we had class and another dad called Barry and then I remembered I didn't call the teacher or check my spam mailbox for her email and by then Barry was all set to finally relax and watch Cloverfield after a long day of moving in the rain. I dragged him...he's still sick too. It was awesome to see all the babies. They're all about the same size and age...ranging from April into May. Of course Adrian had the most hair! Funny thing is that all the babies look like their dads...our teacher said that is generally the norm but that as they get older they look like their moms too.
We're moving! It's a slow tedious wet and rainy process. We have lots of stuff...but the house is completely empty. It's so much bigger than what we have now and I have a lot of stuff that does not need to be unpacked...i.e. I'm a packrat. We aren't taking our kitchen table which means we need to find another one. Also we need a bed frame, new dressers-one is broken, a new couch &/or lazyboys, and a nice computer desk. The house is still so empty right now. We have 2 chairs, a piano, an old couch, a dresser, a mattress, and some random book shelves...I would like to update past "college furniture" as Barry puts it. Anyways...we have until the 1st to be out of the old place so I'm taking it easy...I think I overdid it a couple days ago.
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