Doesn't the belly look like a tumorous appendage now? Not really part of me anymore...it has a mind of its own...and moves as such. I thought because he was getting bigger and has less room that he would move less but NOOOO he was just taking a break last week because he hasn't stopped moving this week. My aunt told me it would feel like sleeping with a bowling ball on you and it sure does now. Actually not just when I'm sleeping either. And you can tell my face is getting a little chubbier too (or b/c I just woke up from a nap and I'm puffy and yes my hair's a mess).
So I start my new job on Thursday! 20 hours a week...I'll train before the baby comes during the day through April and then go back to work part time evenings/weekends after a month to 6 weeks. I'll work this job Thursdays, Fridays, and Tuesdays for now. I also plan on continuing until the end of April with babysitting Gavin Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as continuing to substitute for the daycare and pick up babysitting hours whenever until the baby comes.
I had my prenatal massage that Barry got me for christmas last week!!! It was 80 minutes of massage bliss and I got to use a pillow that my belly fit into! It was awesome. I have another one I can use anytime. I think I'll save it for after the baby is born and my body needs some relaxing and I need 80 minutes to myself!
Judah's Birthday (#22) is on Wednesday!
Also my doctor's appointment is that morning. I plan on discussing my birth plan and different options with her then...I want the least intervention possible and I know that it is up to the doctor and me to agree on the options. Dr. Hornung has told me that she wants me to have a natural childbirth and whatever I want...I think she'll be on the same page in terms of what I want as long as everything goes smoothly. After taking four of our childbirth classes and watching 'The Business of Being Born' I'm actually excited to give birth. I think the whole process will be amazing! I'm not scared of the pain and I know my body is capable of doing it's job. I was so scared in the second trimester but as it gets closer I'm less and less worried. Barry is also getting so excited and feeling empowered about being able to do all kinds of things to help me and be a part of the whole thing. I think that education and knowledge has been a big help in preparing both of us and increasing our confidence! I highly recommend classes and/or researching all different options despite what you already believe about childbirth. In the very least, you'll be more confident that you want what you think you want and you'll know why.
We are going to Estes tomorrow for a friend's baby shower...their baby boy is due two weeks after ours. I went gift shopping today at Once Upon A Child...they remodeled the entire store...it looks awesome! I love baby shopping! I actually found a couple things for Adrian: 3 kimono snap t-shirts to wear until his umbilical cord falls off so he doesn't have to wear tight onesies for $2.50, and 2 sleep nightgowns for easier nighttime access to the diaper for $2.50. Not a bad deal at all and warranted purchases since I didn't register for either!
Here's a picture of my cousin, Julie, and I on Easter Sunday! She's 14 weeks and I'm 33.

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