Monday, March 31, 2008

My Birth Plan: 1st Draft

Welcome to the Birth of Adrian Leili Biss!
Barry R. Biss and Neshamah D. Leili-Biss
Support Team: Barry Biss and Deborah Leili (please talk with them about anything that needs to be discussed with me-they will communicate between us in between contractions)
Doctor: Dr. Diana Hornung, Salud Clinic

Mother’s Statement: I want a natural, non-intrusive birth experience where my body will be doing the work without any ‘medical’ intervention. I trust my body and my baby’s body and my support team. I welcome your experiences and expertise in this birth. I understand that a birth cannot be ‘planned’ but I want everything and anything that can be done to make this experience as natural and void of intervention as possible. Thank You!

Natural Experience To Me:
No Intervention Means:
No Pitocin!
No Medications!
No Time Limits!
Avoid C-Section by any and all means!
No Rupture of Membranes!
No IV!
No Constant Monitoring! Baby or Self!

Natural Assistance Means:
Only periodic Monitoring of Progress…(ask me 1st if I want to know)
Drink (/Eat) as needed! Hydrate Self!
Movement and Position Changes!! Ball! Use Tub/Shower! (Every 30 minutes)
Distractions: Music! Control Temperature and Atmosphere! Massage!
Informed Consent of anything that is done!
Support Team: Barry knows how to help me! Deborah will support him!

-Visitors (ask me 1st)
-Wear my own choice of clothes
-Barry and Deborah Only-No Visitors
-Not back lying
-Breastfeeding and Rooming In
-All/Any support Welcome
-Visitors Welcome (ask me 1st)

38 Days Left...

The night before last I was half awake and unable to fall asleep b/c Adrian was moving so much when all of a sudden I bolted up in my bed. Adrian was RUNNING, his feet were pounding against the left side of my stomach! I've never felt that before and I was just a little surprised and scared wide awake. I woke Barry and of course after running a marathon, he was taking a break by the time Barry's hand made it to my stomach.
He has been SOOO active lately...they say that with your first child, they should go head down in preparation for birth anywhere between 32 and 36 weeks. Sometimes they wait until labor but usually if it's a second or third birth. I've felt him hang out upside down though, and I wouldn't mind if he waited, even though we might stress about that. I guess right now, he's upside down...terribly uncomfortable and heavy when I stand but better when I sit.
Last night we tried to find the heart beat but all we could hear was his hiccups pounding the microphone. It was pretty funny! Our friends have a dopplar, the kind they use at the doctors. That would probably work better.

I bought a book called 'Belly Button Book' by Sandra Boynton when I was out baby shower shopping! Hilarious! I make Barry read it to us! I love Boynton's books.

Yesterday we went to Estes Park for a friend's baby shower! It was at the Redstone Restaurant (which used to be the P.O. Cafe where I worked when I was a young teen). Very cool little place now! Our friend is from Ireland and we met her working at the YMCA in 2001. She married a guy and they live in CO but plan on moving to WY-closer to us at least, and they're two weeks behind us! They're also having a little boy: Conor! Here is a picture of our babies meeting each other.

Barry's mummy -Grandma Biss-made us some more things for Adrian that I brought back from NJ: 2 blankets and a little baseball outfit: the ribbon has baseballs, and the buttons on the sweater are baseballs! CUTE!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

34 Weeks, 2 Days

Well here goes 34 weeks! The time is flying by now.
Doesn't the belly look like a tumorous appendage now? Not really part of me has a mind of its own...and moves as such. I thought because he was getting bigger and has less room that he would move less but NOOOO he was just taking a break last week because he hasn't stopped moving this week. My aunt told me it would feel like sleeping with a bowling ball on you and it sure does now. Actually not just when I'm sleeping either. And you can tell my face is getting a little chubbier too (or b/c I just woke up from a nap and I'm puffy and yes my hair's a mess).

So I start my new job on Thursday! 20 hours a week...I'll train before the baby comes during the day through April and then go back to work part time evenings/weekends after a month to 6 weeks. I'll work this job Thursdays, Fridays, and Tuesdays for now. I also plan on continuing until the end of April with babysitting Gavin Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as continuing to substitute for the daycare and pick up babysitting hours whenever until the baby comes.

I had my prenatal massage that Barry got me for christmas last week!!! It was 80 minutes of massage bliss and I got to use a pillow that my belly fit into! It was awesome. I have another one I can use anytime. I think I'll save it for after the baby is born and my body needs some relaxing and I need 80 minutes to myself!

Judah's Birthday (#22) is on Wednesday!

Also my doctor's appointment is that morning. I plan on discussing my birth plan and different options with her then...I want the least intervention possible and I know that it is up to the doctor and me to agree on the options. Dr. Hornung has told me that she wants me to have a natural childbirth and whatever I want...I think she'll be on the same page in terms of what I want as long as everything goes smoothly. After taking four of our childbirth classes and watching 'The Business of Being Born' I'm actually excited to give birth. I think the whole process will be amazing! I'm not scared of the pain and I know my body is capable of doing it's job. I was so scared in the second trimester but as it gets closer I'm less and less worried. Barry is also getting so excited and feeling empowered about being able to do all kinds of things to help me and be a part of the whole thing. I think that education and knowledge has been a big help in preparing both of us and increasing our confidence! I highly recommend classes and/or researching all different options despite what you already believe about childbirth. In the very least, you'll be more confident that you want what you think you want and you'll know why.

We are going to Estes tomorrow for a friend's baby shower...their baby boy is due two weeks after ours. I went gift shopping today at Once Upon A Child...they remodeled the entire looks awesome! I love baby shopping! I actually found a couple things for Adrian: 3 kimono snap t-shirts to wear until his umbilical cord falls off so he doesn't have to wear tight onesies for $2.50, and 2 sleep nightgowns for easier nighttime access to the diaper for $2.50. Not a bad deal at all and warranted purchases since I didn't register for either!

Here's a picture of my cousin, Julie, and I on Easter Sunday! She's 14 weeks and I'm 33.

Friday, March 21, 2008

More Pictures...33 Weeks

He's getting so big that his movements aren't as big but they sure are getting stronger!!! I guess his bones are also hardening so I can feel that as he digs into my hips and sides...hehe...he's showing off how strong he is.

Oh...good news...our childbirth class this monday is moved back to monday from tuesday...they had changed it which was dissapointing b/c Barry has dart night on Tuesday. I was going to go all by myself..but now I don't have too!!! :) Yay! of the couples had their baby 4 weeks early! A little girl, Starlett...isn't that a cute name?

Weekend Finally...

Wow...I got back so late on Wednesday and I feel like I've been working nonstop since then. Last night Barry and I both fell asleep at 5:30pm and slept straight through till morning! (Well I got up half a dozen times to pee...but that's as good as it gets anymore.) I feel like I could do that all over again tonight too. Had some bizarre dreams ...woke up crying from one because I saw our dead friends' mom (she lost 2 sons) in the dream and she made me cry she was so sad. Then another, all my family and Barry's family and our friends from out east were at this crazy party in a warehouse. Everyone was drinking and playing games and it was kind of like a concert or rave. I woke up mad at Barry and demanding he buy me a new car since he ruined my beloved Subaru...hahaha. (Maybe I shouldn't sleep so much).

So as long as my background check goes through...I've got a new job!! Case Aide position in the Larimer Dept. of Human Services...Child Protection. YAY!! Part time 20 evening/weekend hours per week, with part time benefits. I can take 4-6 weeks off with the baby, and train beforehand through April!!!! (Stressful but good).

Lopsided Baby: Adrian has always liked to hang out on the right side...sometimes more so than others.

Belly Cast: We'll get to sand it down and paint it! Dee, the woman who cast my belly said that 32 weeks is the perfect time to do it. Ronnie just called and said she is sending it soon...she found two more shirts for me too!!! I'm so spoiled!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Back Home

It was so good to see my (and Barry's) family and my friends, Jeff and Alana! Ronnie, Barry's sister, spoiled me with a belly casting!!! at the spa in her shop (Destination Maternity which has Motherhood Maternity, Mimi's Maternity, A Pea In the Pod). She also got me some cute t-shirts and Barry a new Yankee's hat. I went through my grandmother's hand painted oriental dish collection and picked out a dark blue dragon tea set!!! also a 20's chandelier green ornate fruit? bowl. Very cool! I shipped them to myself. I also picked out some rings and pins and a necklace from her collection that I remember her wearing. I'll have these things forever and to pass on some day to my kids. I'm so glad my brother came with me. My family was glad to see him again. Oh...we got to go into the city...went to John's Pizza in midtown manhatten...near my uncle's job: Sam Ash. Walked to the Rockefeller Center and saw the ice skaters and passed Time Square. Next time we'll have to take him everywhere else.

Safe and soundly we made it back home. Landed on time despite a turbulent ride back to CO. At least the flight wasn't full and I got to lay down across 3 seats and try to sleep. Judah drove us back to Loveland and then I drove home to Ft.Collins. I didn't get home till 3p and probably not to sleep till 3:30. I had work today from 9-1:30, went shopping, cleaned my moldy fridge, cleaned the kitchen, swept the house, started laundry, and now I'm babysitting Maddie! I think I'll go to bed early! Especially since I've got work at 7am tomorrow at the daycare. Craziness.

YAY!!!! My Deborah is coming out to CO from May 1st-14th!!!! Adrian better come within that time frame...hehe. Barry's excited too...even though I think it would be fun to have everyone in the birthing room and all...I think we're just going to have Deborah...really I think that all I need is Barry and for someone to support him BUT I think that too many people might not be helpful...and I want him to feel in charge of helping me and not feel that someone else can do what he needs to do....So we're thinking just Deborah and him in the room for now.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Judah and I are in NJ now!!! Our flight was delayed 1/2 hr but went fast and smoothly! Did you know Frontier offers DirectTV for $5 and movies for $8? I think that's cool but i didn't get anything on the way here...slept instead and read my magazine.
Friday we got in...Saturday we hung out at my Aunt Sharon's with Eric and Justin, our cousins. She took me shopping and to visit with my grandfather...then we headed to my Aunt Ann's and cousin Lauren's. Spent the night and hung out. Today we are going back to my Aunt Sharon's and having a big family dinner...all the inlaws are coming too!!! Hopefully my friends will call and I'll get to see them before I leave.
I can't believe I'm here...I miss it and especially all my family. It's kind of rainy and gloomy today but the weather was awesome yesterday.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

32 Weeks Today! Start of 8th Month!

I had the interview yesterday morning at 9am before work. I think it went well!! They are still interviewing into next week but will call next week and let me know if they have more questions or if they have made a decision!! I dropped all the names I knew and I'm pretty confident that I will at least be considered among the others.
I am packing today...finally...I usually start packing a week in advance. I've been so worn out and busy though that I haven't. I guess I won't forget anything but I'm always worried that I will. I never do though. Still don't know about the ride situation....Julie might take us there and Judah's friend might pick us up. I don't know if I can handle an hour ride in a car where people smoke and use the ashtray though. Especially after traveling on an airplane and it being midnight by the time we get in. It might make me sick. The other option is driving and parking...only $5 a night so not too expensive. I want to drive at midnight?

I have a training for work tonight. It's called Connecting the Dots: Teacher Training regarding Sensory Integration In the Classroom!! I love class! I miss school sometimes. Yes..I know..I'm a dork.

What do you think of the baby room art I made? Babies focus on black and white contrast so I was thinking of hanging this above the changing table or crib (once we move and Adrian has a room). Also thinking of doing two more canvases in black on white and white on black to make a checkerboard hanging.

So...a federal court ruling on Autism and Vaccinations has made it seem like the gov't has finally owned up (at least in this case) to a possible link b/n the poisons in the vaccines and an effect on health. I know they've taken the mercury out of vaccines in 2001 (except the flu vaccine btw) but there is still other poisonous metals like aluminum in them. I have yet to fully research the matter but why inject poisons and diseases into your child? So far it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me...especially when there is widespread suspicion of the safety of the vaccines. BTW...I wasn't vaccinated until 6th grade and I even dealt with German measles. I was never sick even when I was around everyone who was. I ate healthy and played outside everyday. I went to bed early and got enough sleep and never ate junk food. I was exposed to germs and dirt wasn't yucky...animals were meant to be pet, even the farm kind...I get sick less than anyone I know and I've never taken antibiotics. The 6 years that I smoked cigarettes were my most unhealthy years ever...I could feel my body fighting me and I got sick every winter...I developed allergies...and felt tired all the time. I think that if you eat healthy and exercise everyday...your body will protect you. However if you weaken your body then it is harder to fight off diseases and infections....and you get tossed into a pattern of needing the medical system to help you do what your body was intended to do naturally. My body has never failed me. I know there are exceptions...and I know that everyone is different...and I know that everyone has an opinion but this is mine...

So Ronnie might come out in May!!! My dad and Deborah may or may not come out in mid-July. We'll be moved by June so if anyone wants to stay we'll have a spare room...we're taking reservations...hehehe....Also we're thinking of going to Maui at Christmastime this year!

Adrian Update: So the wiggling and rolling hasn't stopped yet...however, he is running out of space to wiggle and roll and my poor stomach is sore from his workout! He woke me up the last couple nights, his movement was so intense. As we speak he's pushing out on my belly...I think he's rebelling against the cramped quarters. Oh...and the cramping (Braxton-Hicks practice contractions) have become a routine and more intense feeling. Around dinner time my stomach gets tight like a hard ball. It doesn't so much hurt as feel extremely uncomfortable and tiring.

Barry taught me how to play Cribbage! He won last night but I was close.

I have to go make the baby shower invitation list now! My cousin Christie wants it before she goes to Italy!!! I know some people can't come but I want you to know if you lived here...I'd want you to come!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Childbirth Classes

Barry and I started our Childbirth (through Foothills Childbirth Education Association) classes last night. We missed the 1st class b/c we signed up too late and we're missing the 3rd since I'll be in Jersey, but Becky will make it up with us on a Saturday. Also a couple of the classes are on a Tue which means I'll have to go alone on one of them since B has dart league and it just so happens that it's position night! It lasted from 7-9...which after being out of school for a year now shows me how out of shape I am for sitting still for 2 hours. Of course having to pee every 15 minutes doesn't help either...although I wasn't the only one. Funny Adrian decided class time while the teacher discussed signs of labor, labor and it's stages and phases, breathing which we got to practice, and massage (YES! we got to practice this one too), would be the perfect time to wiggle, jiggle, jump, and roll! Maybe the other babies so near in proximity were exciting and communicating! Actually...that would be creepy....All in all it was long but good refresher of info (yes...I've had this before considering my degree is directly related to children and development over the lifespan) ...AND bonus: Barry didn't fall asleep!

Still working on my to-do list today! I got a call back for an interview for the Case Aide P/T position in Larimer County Human Services that I applied for.

Friday, March 7, 2008

31 Weeks Picture

WOW! Adrian has been moving sooooo much! I tried to get it on video BUT he only moves when the video camera is off or out of on earth does he know? Seriously! It's kind of annoying. Right now...he's wiggling ALL over the place but the battery is charging. He's pushing on me so hard it kind of hurts.

I'm happy it's friday! I worked from 6:30 to 5:30 again today...nine hours not including breaks but that still makes a very long day! All week has been full of these long days. Anyways...I have a huge to-do list for the weekend but I only work tomorrow evening, babysitting for a fun little one-year old!

Yay! My cousin is 12 weeks pregnant! I'm so excited that our kids will be close together.

Lots to do before we leave for NJ next Friday. 1st on the list...get some sleep!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

31 Weeks...63 Days Left

I don't think I've gotten anything done on my to do list...I've been working 9-11 hours every day this week! It's craziness so when I get home I just crash (sorry I haven't called or emailed anyone lately...such a slacker). This morning I'm trying to catch up on housework b/c it looks like a hurricane hit the office...there is no more floor space. Yes it is embarrassing but it happens to everyone sometimes. At least my clean clothes are still seperated from the dirty ones.

To add to the to do list:
clean house
go to Siobhan and Ryan's baby shower for Connor at end of month!!!!
write out birth plan
go to childbirth classes on Mondays for next 6 weeks!!
go to Gavin's 1 year b-day party
keep working like a mad woman

Anyway...this morning I'm eating some lovely oatmeal with bananas, walnuts, and brown is quite banana-y...I should have used less.

Adrian has been moving for the last week straight....He's so active...I never expected this. It's pretty fun to watch and feel the show though. His kicks are no longer kicks or as jabby (maybe no more room to pull back and put the force into it) but leg/knee/elbow/hand rolls across my belly. He sticks his head and butt out and practices walking against my hips. He still seems to have enough room to manuever into all sorts of positions. Sometimes I worry that he's going to knot his umbilical cord. I guess that's very rare though. I've been getting more growing/stretching pains...feels like a pulled muscle in the bottom of my stomach and I can't move until it goes away...usually a minute or three. Also I can feel mild cramping in my stomach, assuming those are Braxton Hick's contractions when I rest in the evening. I've been feeling them since week 20, sporadically, and I guess they start happening at around week 6. Supposed to be getting stronger as the third trimester moves along. Usually people don't feel them until last trimester anyway.

I signed Barry and I up for childbirth classes through Foothills Childbirth Education Association!!! We'll go on mondays from 7-9p and they last 7 weeks. We missed the 1st class of this series but the instructor will bring us up-to-date. Then after all the babies from the class are born....we'll meet for 4 weeks post-partum and get to bring the babies!

My cousins and friend are throwing me a baby shower in April! I'm so excited! I'll big and rolly-polly by then. Yay!

Doggy Update: Sasha hasn't had an accident or an on-purpose in the house in two straight days, and never in her kennel. Hurray! We've been putting her to bed in the kennel and at 2-ish she wakes up and we let her out and then let her come sleep with us. Then at 5-ish she wakes or when B gets up at 6:30. He lets them out while he showers and then back in. I wake at 8-9ish to let them out. When we're gone all day...Harley is inside and Sasha in the kennel. If it's nice enough out...they stay outside and play. When we're home...they wrestle and play inside. They are getting along well. I worry when Harley gets jealous and won't let Sasha eat, he growls and eats all the food....just have to watch them and give him extra attention and keep him away from her when she eats. That's been working. They are such strange breeds...they take a bite of food and bring it to the living room to eat it. I've see other cattle dogs do that also.