Sunday, January 6, 2008

So...Barry no longer likes either Adrian or Giovanni.... :(... I loved those names. He now likes Jonas. I don't know about it. It's cute and all but...I just don't see myself with a son called Jonas.

I feel sick right now. Barry went to get some bubbly water for me...and mac and cheese for the hungry baby. How can I be hungry and sick feeling at the same time? I just ate an hour and a half ago too. This is very demanding work.

Bobby got back to CO safely.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Neshamah! I thought I would give my thoughts on a boy's name, how about the name "Gavin"? I have a distant cousing by that name. Maybe by adding names you guys will only get more confused on what name you want! >;-) Anyways, hope all is well!
