The interview went well!! I really liked the the woman who interviewed me. She was very easy going and genuinely interested, she seems invested in her work and someone that I can relate to easily. She would be my boss if I get the position. She called me back that night for a second will be a panel interview and is this coming Tuesday. I'm nervous and excited!!! I need to find something professional to wear...and to think of some good things to say without rambling...I tend to ramble sometimes.
I have been recording what I've eaten for the entire past week and also tallied it into the recommended number of food groups suggested for the average BMI (body mass index) score. I am definitely on a fruit kick these days. And so far I've eaten yogurt every single day, which isn't abnormal in my diet. I also make sure to buy the real whole grain bread that doesn't use high fructose corn syrup...the only stuff I've found at the supermarket is the Sara Lee whole grain stuff (the way you can tell is by reading whole wheat/or other grain as the first ingredient...if it says enriched or fortified or is not whole grain even if it is listed at the end of that list of ingredients)...good enough for me...they use brown sugar to sweeten instead. I also tend to eat at least 6-8 times throughout the day...with at least two bigger meals at lunch and dinner usually. I love eating healthy food and I'm definitely using pregnancy as a time to splurge energy and time on making delicious nutrious meals/snacks. For example...every day this week I've awoken and prepared a yogurt/juice/fruit good. Why I haven't done this every day of my life, I'm beginning to wonder. Of course I sneak tons of chocolate, an occasional cup of joe, and the necessary bowl of ice cream with crushed up oreas in there so don't go thinking I'm perfect or anything.
Beginning of each new month inclines me to read the next chapters in my 3-4 books conveniently categorized by month. Month five marks the change from baby's cartilage skeleton to bone, the baby will be 1/2 it's newborn weight by the end, and people in the street will no longer gawk at me wondering if I'm maybe pregnant or just sporting a beer gut. Hooray! Oh...and my changing center of balance may be characterized by falls. This is true...I know from work in the infant classroom, I was talking and cleaning up a child from lunch and went to sit on the stool which was quite visibly a foot to my left, forgetting I was sitting on a seat a foot lower than the stool...and fell onto the seat, which slipped leaving everyone in the room staring surprised (the infants...perhaps a little scared) as I bounced onto the hard linoleum floor. I was so surprised I couldn't help but laugh but by their expressions of disbelief the poor kids were not convinced until I got up and informed them I really was ok. I can't wait till I can no longer see my feet...I'm already the clumsiest person I know..I'm going to need lots of luck staying upright especially considering our leaky gutters leave ice patches immediately outside our front and back doors, or that my 3 cats and one dog consider their mission to always be about six inches in front of me at all times I am in motion and about a foot behind me while I am at rest on my feet. Maybe I should just consider self-diagnosed bed rest after the feet disappear from view.
great!!!! hoping you get it!!!