Thursday, October 25, 2007

First Post

I am setting up this blog for friends and family to keep updated on my pregnancy...and eventually the baby! Hopefully I like it and keep it running. I also keep a written journal so I don't know how much time I'll find to update but I'll attempt.

I found out I was pregnant only a month after my wedding, Sept. 2007. Barry and I have been together for 7 years (Aug. 2007) We were surprised but we are ready in terms of our relationship.
I am 12 weeks today! Our EDD is May 8th (my best friend's birthday). Last Thursday we got to hear the heartbeat...I think that made the whole experience for Barry so much more realistic. I've been reading up on everything...and having a degree in Human Development and Family Studies/Early Childhood Education makes for a highly informed experience. I can't imagine not knowing how/why/what is going on with my body or the baby.

Physical Stuff:
I've been nauseous since about the 8th week but not so bad that I throw up on a regular basis. And actually this week...that is decreasing. The fear of miscarriage has significantly decreased as the chances have decreased. My back is shooting pain from the base of my spine when I walk or bend sometimes...that's pretty fun! I sleep so much lighter than I used to....I'm a good sleeper thankfully. I work 6:30am until 2:30pm at a daycare...I'm covering the maternity leave for a coworker (LOL)...I've worked there for about 3 years this coming January...always as temp/part time/substitute while in school or over the summers....and when I get off...I can take a 1-4 hour nap...then go to bed at 9:30...wake up at least once a night to pee..or whenever the dog jumps off the bed. I'm not as tired as in the beginning either. Other than that...I feel pretty good. I can't believe how much I eat...I'm getting bored of eating so much actually. I rarely felt like eating in the beginning but now I'm getting used to it. I lost a pound this last doctor visit but hopefully now that we're starting the second trimester....I start gaining. In total to date I've gained about a pound...they recommend 3 1/2 lbs the first trimester (oops).

Emotional Stuff:
Hmmm...I'm always emotional anyway so I don't think I'm very different on that aspect...Different things make me cry now...but not any more than usual. Also I think that getting enough sleep has actually made me more stable!!! Hurray for that!
Barry....well he's not too emotional...he's definitely happy and excited and nervous...etc...

Psychological Stuff:
Life doesn't happen as planned. You get what you get and don't throw a we say in toddlers. I'm sooooo excited actually!!!! This is my dream come true! Since my sister was born, when I was 2, I've wanted to be a mom! I've had names picked out since I can remember (not that I'll use them now). I've always assumed the caregiver role....been the bossiest of my siblings. What they say about Cancers is true re: family, etc....

Anyways...that's it for the first post! I'm excited I'll be in my second trimester now....

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