We have had such a warm winter so far. Two snow storms is about it. I hope that it will snow again for a white Christmas though! It's beginning to look like Christmas around our house though with Christmas cards, preschool art adorning the walls, and presents wrapped and under our beautiful tree! We even got some new LED dripping icicle lights since we are staying in town for the holiday!
Kaili is 15 months today! The time flies too quickly and I wish that he would not grow up so fast. He waves, points, says 'mamamama' for me and when pointing at something he wants. He says 'dada' 'bub' and 'ball'. He babbles more now but does not say much more than that and stopped saying 'up' and 'done' as much. He signs 'milk' and 'all done'. He can understand and follow directions. He loves reading books, looking at babies, brushing his teeth, playing hide and seek, chase, and ball. He loves jumping on and wrestling with his daddy.
He is a crier and doesn't like to sleep by himself, or to put himself to sleep although he can. He whines whenever his brother teases him, which is often. He gets so jealous when Adrian hugs or sits on mom, and tries to push him away. He's had a cold since right before Thanksgiving, but I though mostly due to teething: 8 new teeth popped through at once giving him a total of 16! Only 4 more to catch up to 'Bub'!
Adrian loves preschool: 3 days per week M/W/F from 900-1130. He goes to visit with his friends. His 'best friend' he says is Bradley, and he enjoys playing with Sam and Dylan this year, who were in his class last year as well. We are debating whether to start Kindergarten this year or next. We could always do it twice, two different schools, or just wait another year. The trend is to wait until they are socially ready because of the standards expected. I think that the high standards are great but that if the kids are not socially ready, they then could easily fall behind. We work on the academic piece and currently he knows his ABC's and sounds of each letter, is learning his sight words, and can 'read' a story if memorized, and sound out words with help. He loves to read, and can sit still and listen to stories for a long time. He still is a 'follower' especially of older kids and this is what worries me. I want him to be a leader, or at least make good judgement of who he's following. Kindergarten registration is February, and we'll go tour the schools on set orientation nights, and I will probably enter him in the 'School of Choice' lottery. There are so many choices...I think our neighborhood school might even have full day Kindergarten which is rare in this town. I guess we can't really go wrong in this district. I am a little jilted after being homeschooled, then public schooled, as well as working in social work, at just what can go wrong in society, and about what my child could be exposed to.
Adrian said yesterday "mom when I grow up, I'm going to be a superhero, like Superman. I'll also be a cooker like daddy, and I'll make the best Chinese food, even better than daddy. I'll teach my kids to make the best food, and you can be their mommy." I explained that I'd be their Grandma but thought that was a great idea for when he got big. He wants to go to school to cook, he said too.