Kaili is 6 lbs and 13.2 oz per our weight check on Monday 10-17. That means he's gained over an oz a day since last Monday!! He's been eating well. Still a slow eater though. We're giving a bottle or two a day since he gets more faster and doesn't tire out. I never did give "at least 8 supplemental bottles after pumping each day" we maybe had up to 5 per day at one point. One a day with his vitamin supplement will be good for now unless of course he starts losing weight or is away from mom for over 2 hours. Not so worried anymore.
He's gaining and I'm losing. I've actually lost all the weight I gained and am back at pre-pregnancy weight as of Sunday (16th) putting me at 136lbs. I was about 10 lbs over what I normally like to be at (125) so I hope I keep losing. I can at least fit into my clothes again, for the most part.
Kaili still wears premie outfits and diapers but is fitting in lots of newborn size outfits and diapers also!!! He's feeling more 'baby' sized these days.
He has started to stare at his hands more, suck on his hands more and is taking his binky for longer when upset....aka not being held or nursed. All he does is eat, eat while sleeping, while awake, and between poopy diapers. He reacts to our voices and stops crying when Adrian sings to him :)He cries. Adrian never did so it's a new sound to get used to but sometimes I just can't get to him as quickly and so he cries. He stops when held, fed, talked or sung to...except when put in his carseat. He hates his carseat. He usually falls asleep when the car is moving though but sometimes has to cry himself to sleep.
Having a second child is so much different than the first. Not everything is as urgent or unknown or surprising. It is just as enjoyable only in a different more relaxed way. Of course with Kaili being so early, I had other worries. I worried about him being early, gaining weight, not being ready to be born, being born by induction affecting him, etc...in the end, it's better he was born early due to the complications of not growing but what are the alternate affects. Kaili also didn't have a 'smell' like Adrian did. I actually just started noticing one this week which is comforting for some reason. I just remember always sniffing Adrian and kissing him, like some instinct for bonding. Of course this made me worry that I wouldn't bond as well to Kaili..I think we're doing okay though. He definitely stops crying every single time I hold him, whether or not I feed him.
I like the Ergo carrier!!! He rests against my heart and falls right to sleep hearing my heartbeat. This is good for bonding also. We take walks, go shopping, and get stuff done around the house with it. We are borrowing a carseat and snap&go stroller where the carseat snaps directly into the stroller base!! Very handy for this infant stage. I cannot carry that carseat if gains any weight as it is heavy on it's own. Thanks to Rachel and Mike and Leo!!
Adrian is doing great...no real jealousy issues. Of course he needs and gets attention and acts out when he's not getting what he needs but that's to be expected and he does not seem to associate it with not getting attention
because of his brother. He constantly says 'Our baby is so cute' and tonight he said 'I really love my brother'! He always says "I want to see his face' and " I want to kiss his face" and "I want to hold him". He shows off his baby to his friends at preschool and checks out their babies...I guess 3 year olds tend to have baby siblings.
Adrian has been intersted in 'family structures' and we have been talking about how each family member is related to each other in other ways than how they are related to Adrian. He finds this very interesting.
He has been very interested in tractors, trains, and of course Halloween lately.
On Saturday 15th we went to Fitzler's Corn Maze and only had time to do a few things: slide, barrel train and jumping pillow. We have tickets that are good until Halloween so we'll go back next weekend probably to do the corn maze, the monster, and more slides, maybe some pumpkin or corn cannons, and campfires.
On the 22nd is the Zombie Crawl, Zombie Ball and during the day some Zombie children events which we'll take the Zombie Children to. We want to do the Treatsylvania trick or treating at Lee Martinez Farm and also the Tiny Tots Trick or Treating downtown on the 31st. We may also go trick or treating in the neighborhood. Halloween is Barry's favorite...as we speak he is perfecting his facial prosthetics for his zombie makeup. I haven't decided if I'm going out on the 22nd as a Zombie or not...since it'd be a late night.