We're pregnant! So yes we decided it was time that Adrian had a sibling....I think since at least Fall we've been in agreement about this. We found out we are pregnant on February 5th. Still comes as a surprise and I feel nothing like I did with Adrian. I knew all along with him. I went to the clinic and took a test last week and they confirmed that I'm 5 weeks and gave me a list of obgyn's that take our insurance. I'm not looking forward to finding another doctor. That's so daunting. I think at least by 8 weeks I better make an appointment. They probably want to draw blood now to make sure that my hCG levels are going up...but really what are they going to do about it if they arent. Medling is what I call it.
We think we're due October 12, 2011. That is THIS year!!! With Adrian we got pregnant in 2007 and had him in 2008 so it seemed like a whole lot longer. I'm still in shock.
Today I've felt nauseas for the first time. I've felt a little sad lately. Crying easily...at work too...that should have been a huge sign since I never cry at work....now anything can make me cry.
Adrian says he's going to be "a big brother," that there's a brother in his tummy, and that there's a sister or a baby in mommy's tummy! He's been calling and telling everyone on the phone :)
Number 2 is the size of a sesame seed this week and is growing fast!
In other news: We went to Fabien's 8th birthday party! Adrian got to play with the big boys at his army birthday party! Had a blast!
Adrian just finished one session of the 'Moonbeamers' gymnastics class at Mountain Kids and is signed up for the next session and on the wait list for the Rainbow Rider's. This past session he got to go with mommie's friends from work kids: Mila and Mia! The Moonbeamer's have to have mommies and daddies with them but the Rainbow Riders do the gymnastics with a small group and their teacher. He's so big!!! I also need to get him registered for preschool....which I missed registration week last week. Now I'll have to put him on the waitlist for the fall session.