Adrian's wearing size 3T pants and shirts and jammies and fits into 4T shirts and jammies. He is 37" tall and weighs 29. 4 lbs. His foot is a size 8 almost 9 toddler. Just since spring his foot has grown from size 5 to 8. He's growing like a little mushroom.
He speaks in full sentences, asks questions and uses multiple sentence phrases such as "excuse me daddy. I need to get a cup." He enjoys the 'potty talk' most kids get a kick out of and announces his burps, farts, and any other weird noises with excitement. He has some words of his own such as dogs "fark" and he likes to "pank" a picture! He still says "my" instead of me or I, as in "my hungry" or "my scared". He refers to himself in the third person occasionally. When asked how old he is he'll usually answer "my Adrian" thinking he's being asked his name or "six" which at his size he could be mistaken for a small 6 year old.
Adrian enjoys dinosaurs immensely, is captivated by 'monsters', loves trains, and is so imaginative. It's fun to watch him play on his own as he now also narrates his play!
Timeout is fairly effective. We are working on 'stranger danger' as in 'it's scary to be far away from mommy' when he wanders or does not listen and follow. Adrian is learning about 'privacy'. Privacy is important if you're going to be a nudist. Step one: come home and go upstairs. Step two: Take off all your clothes. Step three: run downstairs and scream "NaKeD!!!!!" Step one is better if you can wait until guests come over.
Adrian has always had wonderful manners and still says 'please, thank you, excuse me, and sorry!' His social skills are increasing and he enjoys making friends everywhere he goes. Adrian must have been born in the season of boys because whenever we we go to the library, parks, or play places there are 2 and 3 year old boys to play with. We have to figure out what preschool to get him into for next year when he turns three and how we are going to work out the logistics of transportation since Gma Linda and Gpa Tim don't drive.
Adrian goes to Gma Linda and Gpa Tim's on Mondays through Thursdays. Gpa Tim takes Adrian for walks to the park, 7-11 and to the office where he gets a cookie more times than not. He is also fond of playing Thomas computer games at the office computer lab. Adrian has grown a fondness to cows, as Gma Linda collects cows and cow paraphernalia. Adrian looks forward to going to Gma D's on Fridays to play with Cavyn! Sometimes by Tuesday he is already asking for his Cavyn :) They do fun arts and crafts and sometimes go on field trips together.
Adrian enjoys writing letters to his family and sending and receiving mail. He loves calling his family on the phone to say hello. He has photo books to remind him of all his family members that are far away. Most recently Barry's friend Jason has moved to Colorado from New Jersey and plans on staying. Uncle Wally is back also after having tended to his mom's passing away in New Jersey. Uncle Bobby was planning on coming out but now will stay in New Jersey for a little longer. Our friends Erin and Zac from our Birth Education Class are visiting from Virginia this week with their 2 1/2 year old girl Mattea and hopefully we'll be able to spend time with them!
Adrian enjoys writing letters to his family and sending and receiving mail. He loves calling his family on the phone to say hello. He has photo books to remind him of all his family members that are far away. Most recently Barry's friend Jason has moved to Colorado from New Jersey and plans on staying. Uncle Wally is back also after having tended to his mom's passing away in New Jersey. Uncle Bobby was planning on coming out but now will stay in New Jersey for a little longer. Our friends Erin and Zac from our Birth Education Class are visiting from Virginia this week with their 2 1/2 year old girl Mattea and hopefully we'll be able to spend time with them!