Adrian is a big talker these days...oh wait...he's always been a big talker. He says things like 'are you ok?' 'what's happening?' "I want chokwat' (chocolate), 'I want wimins' (vitamins). 'I want outsiiiide."
He's refusing to sit in his high chair anymore and prefers to sleep in "mommy's bed". Last night he was kicking Barry out of bed, no matter where Barry tried to lay, he threw a fit and kept kicking and subsequently landed in his own bed. Tonight he dissapeared and I found him curled up in the dark on my bed ready for sleep. He has not been falling right to sleep since his 2 year bday. He'll stay up and talk for at least 20 minutes no matter when I put him down...I've tried earlier and I've tried later.
He's getting better at eating more textures...didn't spit any grapes out tonight. Usually he gets thrown off by skins or tougher textures. Dip Dip helps most things go down though. Still loves fruit, yogurt, avocados, hotdogs, and soy soy (soymilk). He's an all around healthy eater though and will try anything.
He's only 35" tall. I measured the other day...after the doctor visit had him measured at 36". And I thought he was getting taller.
Adrian pees in the potty whenever he's running around naked. Unless he's outside-somehow little boys think it's ok to pee whereever they are when outside. I never even encouraged it. Weird. No pooping in the potty yet though. He still baracades himself in the corners arranging all sorts of furniture around him. I try reasoning with the 2 year old that the bathroom is much more private and that I can still see him despite his attempts. One step at a time: in the bathroom is number one.
I've been working a lot lately-9 hours every day for the last couple weeks. Not too bad since we spend time together in the morning and then Barry has more time with him in the evening. Makes for a rushed dinner/bedtime routine though. Luckily I have an excellent cook for a husband!
June 24-28 we're headed to NJ! We're going out to celebrate PopPop's 50th Birthday!