My baby has a stuffy nose :(
He's been sleeping through the night lately which is fun news!
He took off a poopy diaper for Barry this evening and said "stinky" and threw it in the all we have to do is the toilet practice part. He pees in the potty on his own if he's naked otherwise he just wets his pants or diaper. We run around naked a lot and he'll go when he needs to. Still haven't mastered pooping on the potty yet though.
He's talking up a storm. He's whining a little less as we went through a whiney period.
He loves visiting Gma D on Mondays and taking walks with Gma and Papa on nice days!
Adrian went to his friend Ashden's birthday party last Saturday.
I'm starting this blog as a record about my new family, pregnancy, and baby....for my family and friends!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Smarty Pants
Adrian introduced me to the stranger standing in line at the store this evening...pointing...'that my mommy'! What a social bug he is!
He's starting to show more of his likes and dislikes. He knows what he wants...but he's stubborn and doesn't want to say please first or to sit in his carseat. He wants to get his mommy to get him things without asking with manners and he wants to sit in the front seat instead of his carseat.
In the morning when we make our usual turns to Papa and Grammy's house, he says 'no that way' and tries to get me to take him with me to work. He says it before we turn which makes me think he has his father's sense of direction, and not my sense of confusion. Probably a good thing.
When I dropped him off to Gma D's on Monday, his face lit up and he waved wildly, "Hi! Hi!" then ran to climb into the carseat without being asked twice. "Bye Mom!" What a treat to have extended family in his life almost daily!
Uncle Bobby left today on the greyhound bus for Portland. Next stop: Alaska! Working for Princess Cruise Ships/Hotels for the summer with some friends! We'll see him again in September. Adrian is already missing him. He loves his uncle "Bobbo" "Bobby" "BobBob"...whatever name of the day he decides to call him!
He's starting to show more of his likes and dislikes. He knows what he wants...but he's stubborn and doesn't want to say please first or to sit in his carseat. He wants to get his mommy to get him things without asking with manners and he wants to sit in the front seat instead of his carseat.
In the morning when we make our usual turns to Papa and Grammy's house, he says 'no that way' and tries to get me to take him with me to work. He says it before we turn which makes me think he has his father's sense of direction, and not my sense of confusion. Probably a good thing.
When I dropped him off to Gma D's on Monday, his face lit up and he waved wildly, "Hi! Hi!" then ran to climb into the carseat without being asked twice. "Bye Mom!" What a treat to have extended family in his life almost daily!
Uncle Bobby left today on the greyhound bus for Portland. Next stop: Alaska! Working for Princess Cruise Ships/Hotels for the summer with some friends! We'll see him again in September. Adrian is already missing him. He loves his uncle "Bobbo" "Bobby" "BobBob"...whatever name of the day he decides to call him!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tall and skinny
Went to the Dr. Capes for our 2 year well check Friday evening. Opted out of the chicken pox vaccine as well as the flu vaccines this year. Everything about Adrian looks good. He's a little skinny for his height but no concerns...26lbs puts him at 36th percentile for weight while 36inches tall puts him at 90th percentile for height. Dry bumpy skin (inherited from mom)-should decrease the baths and use Eucerin lotion daily. Which we use anyway. Doesn't have to see a dentist till 3 years old.
Height Predictor Adrian will likely be 6 ft 2 in by the age of 18. Both great grandfathers are very tall, as well as lots of tall people scattered throughout both sides of the family.
Today I made lima bean soup, spinach mashed potatoes, and sweet potato applesause to freeze for Adrian's healthy lunches (and dinners when we're running late). I still cook, puree, freeze in baby food jars some of his food because he eats it best when it's mush. I don't care as long as he eats healthfully and I don't have to substitute junk for organic or natural fruits and vegies and protein options. Making it is WAAAY cheaper than buying the 50%+ watered down baby food at the store. I froze individual (baby food jars) sized servings of edamame for Adrian in chicken stock with a dash of soy. Ready to eat! I also made some banana bread and steam cleaned the upstairs and cleaned out 1/2 the refridgerator. Sometimes I forget to finish a task when I have too many going... I also intended on making a couple dishes of lasagna to freeze for weekday dinners but alas got carried away with the rug cleaning. Adrian ran mad dashes and crazy circles on the wet carpet for at least 1/2 hr straight and still didn't want to go to sleep past regular bedtime hour.
Last night I gave Adrian a bath, then hopped in the shower with him to rinse off myself. We got out and he went downstairs to run in circles naked all the while screeching at the top of his lungs (you could call this activity 'normal' in our house)....then I hear the door open and then the screen door slam. I barely got my robe on before I run outside and he was already at the sidewalk and as soon as he saw me, dashed straight into the street. He was still naked and it was just getting dark outside. Of course a neighbor is walking their giant dog and our dogs get out and the other neighbor dogs have to walk over to investigate. 5 dogs, a naked baby, mom in her bathrobe barely and a neighbor (who we don't know well enough to chat with while barely dressed). My cat Turtle, was probably outside also because he never likes to miss a chance to take a walk with his family.
Needless to say, this fun hullabaloo was followed by a 'timeout'. It is so hard to impress my fear of Adrian getting run over to a two year old, who answers that 'I want out' and is 'all done' with timeout. 'Fun, mom. Thanks but done activity could be you chasing me and wrestling me down to brush my teeth. That makes you laugh, you say because now you are happy I have clean teeth but I think because you think you've won! Wahahaha!'
Another new fun 2 year old activity is 'breaking bowls'. 2 in 2 days. 'Is mom going to assume I learned my lesson and give me another expensive, special, ceramic bowl, or has she learned her lesson and will now only use cancer ridden plastics to serve me my nutritious and delicious snacks?'
Some other new tricks include 'I pinch'. 'I scratch', and hair pulling. I'm sporting a scratch across my chest for the 'I pinch' and 'I scratch' attack. Also we're back to pushing babies over and hitting them stage. We love drawing murals on the floor and the underside of the train table. On the bright side of life, Adrian's attention span has dramatically increased....he will sit through many books in a row/all if you keep going, and long stories including Curious George at 48 pages long. Then he says 'again?'. This attention span include playing with toys, by himself, and alas, staring at the tv (although this is rare when mom is around.) Calliou, Handy Manny, Sesame Street, in spanish Plazo Sesamo, and Little Einsteins are the shows he's been allowed to watch so far. Adrian loves animal planet and discovery shows of insects and animals as well. Listing those makes it seem like he watches a lot of tv however this is not the case, nor is it encouraged.
Playing outside is still the most favorite pasttime of this 2 year old. He gets daily walks when at Papa Tim's and G'ma Linda's. There is also a park to play at, a dog run with obstacle course, a pool, and a nearby bridge to throw rocks into the water.
Adrian uses sentences...3 words and more at a time. He can say most words now. He is babbling again but in paragraphs and using some sort of jibberish that is new to our ears. He whines because he knows some will give attention for it and because some get attention for it. Monkey see, Monkey do.
This evening, he found a little black beetle and let it crawl on his hand and looked at through his bug magnifying glass. Then he set if free outside, as we had done with the spider a few days ago. What a good and useful memory!
Ok that's enough update for eyes are blurrily seeing double double
Height Predictor Adrian will likely be 6 ft 2 in by the age of 18. Both great grandfathers are very tall, as well as lots of tall people scattered throughout both sides of the family.
Today I made lima bean soup, spinach mashed potatoes, and sweet potato applesause to freeze for Adrian's healthy lunches (and dinners when we're running late). I still cook, puree, freeze in baby food jars some of his food because he eats it best when it's mush. I don't care as long as he eats healthfully and I don't have to substitute junk for organic or natural fruits and vegies and protein options. Making it is WAAAY cheaper than buying the 50%+ watered down baby food at the store. I froze individual (baby food jars) sized servings of edamame for Adrian in chicken stock with a dash of soy. Ready to eat! I also made some banana bread and steam cleaned the upstairs and cleaned out 1/2 the refridgerator. Sometimes I forget to finish a task when I have too many going... I also intended on making a couple dishes of lasagna to freeze for weekday dinners but alas got carried away with the rug cleaning. Adrian ran mad dashes and crazy circles on the wet carpet for at least 1/2 hr straight and still didn't want to go to sleep past regular bedtime hour.
Last night I gave Adrian a bath, then hopped in the shower with him to rinse off myself. We got out and he went downstairs to run in circles naked all the while screeching at the top of his lungs (you could call this activity 'normal' in our house)....then I hear the door open and then the screen door slam. I barely got my robe on before I run outside and he was already at the sidewalk and as soon as he saw me, dashed straight into the street. He was still naked and it was just getting dark outside. Of course a neighbor is walking their giant dog and our dogs get out and the other neighbor dogs have to walk over to investigate. 5 dogs, a naked baby, mom in her bathrobe barely and a neighbor (who we don't know well enough to chat with while barely dressed). My cat Turtle, was probably outside also because he never likes to miss a chance to take a walk with his family.
Needless to say, this fun hullabaloo was followed by a 'timeout'. It is so hard to impress my fear of Adrian getting run over to a two year old, who answers that 'I want out' and is 'all done' with timeout. 'Fun, mom. Thanks but done activity could be you chasing me and wrestling me down to brush my teeth. That makes you laugh, you say because now you are happy I have clean teeth but I think because you think you've won! Wahahaha!'
Another new fun 2 year old activity is 'breaking bowls'. 2 in 2 days. 'Is mom going to assume I learned my lesson and give me another expensive, special, ceramic bowl, or has she learned her lesson and will now only use cancer ridden plastics to serve me my nutritious and delicious snacks?'
Some other new tricks include 'I pinch'. 'I scratch', and hair pulling. I'm sporting a scratch across my chest for the 'I pinch' and 'I scratch' attack. Also we're back to pushing babies over and hitting them stage. We love drawing murals on the floor and the underside of the train table. On the bright side of life, Adrian's attention span has dramatically increased....he will sit through many books in a row/all if you keep going, and long stories including Curious George at 48 pages long. Then he says 'again?'. This attention span include playing with toys, by himself, and alas, staring at the tv (although this is rare when mom is around.) Calliou, Handy Manny, Sesame Street, in spanish Plazo Sesamo, and Little Einsteins are the shows he's been allowed to watch so far. Adrian loves animal planet and discovery shows of insects and animals as well. Listing those makes it seem like he watches a lot of tv however this is not the case, nor is it encouraged.
Playing outside is still the most favorite pasttime of this 2 year old. He gets daily walks when at Papa Tim's and G'ma Linda's. There is also a park to play at, a dog run with obstacle course, a pool, and a nearby bridge to throw rocks into the water.
Adrian uses sentences...3 words and more at a time. He can say most words now. He is babbling again but in paragraphs and using some sort of jibberish that is new to our ears. He whines because he knows some will give attention for it and because some get attention for it. Monkey see, Monkey do.
This evening, he found a little black beetle and let it crawl on his hand and looked at through his bug magnifying glass. Then he set if free outside, as we had done with the spider a few days ago. What a good and useful memory!
Ok that's enough update for eyes are blurrily seeing double double
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Adrian was crying earlier..."I want more pider"...yes...we caught and let a jumping spider go free and he wanted to find more and catch them...sad day when no more spiders are to be found in the toybox :(Oh to be 2 and have no fears...I'm trying not to socialize fear into him...although I did tell him not to touch the spider b/c it would bite him out of fear for his own life. I don't think he understood yet, however that spider probably understood it was good to be very afraid of a two year old giant.
Went to Denver today, had lunch with Fabien at his elementary school! Adrian made all the children laugh over and over by running away and making Fabien chase him down to bring him back to the table. He would sneak then bolt and laugh when the other kids laughed. Fabien took Adrian and showed him off to all of his friends, his little 'cousin'.
Went to Denver today, had lunch with Fabien at his elementary school! Adrian made all the children laugh over and over by running away and making Fabien chase him down to bring him back to the table. He would sneak then bolt and laugh when the other kids laughed. Fabien took Adrian and showed him off to all of his friends, his little 'cousin'.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
2 Year Old: Party
Adrian is 2!!!! We had a nice bbq birthday party! Lots of people came to celebrate our baby boy! The weather even held out with a few sprinkling raindrops and we ended the night with a release of 2 of our bday balloons...they're on their way right now to visit gma and gpa in Maui! They're both red and say Happy 2nd Birthday in case you see one floating by.
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