I went to hang out with the girls this evening and about 45 minutes in I check my phone. THere were about a gazillion missed calls from Barry.
I called Barry back and he reports that HE LOST ADRIAN! COULDN'T FIND HIM UPSTAIRS OR DOWNSTAIRS...TOTALLY MISPLACED HIM! All he did was go upstairs and use the restroom and came back down and Adrian was GONE! He looked all over inside and outside. Since then, he'd found him....
Obviously, our son can now open the door to the garage and ran across the street to our neighbor's garage to see if he could play with his friends! Very independent, a good sense of direction and as stubborn as his father. No one was in the garage but our neighbor did hear him and was walking over to tell Barry by the time Barry decided to stretch his search further from the house.
Anyways, we have to watch him way closer now and I'm going to get another door lock for the front door since Barry used the one I got for the kitchen garage door. He got three time-outs in his crib today for running straight into the street. It's toddler time!
Poor Barry, he feels so bad. And when my clients tell me I'm not perfect, I tell them they're right about that. No one's perfect.
I'm starting this blog as a record about my new family, pregnancy, and baby....for my family and friends!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Made Halloween decorations for our window. I never decorate for Halloween but since I have a kiddo I feel like a should. Anyways it was fun cutting out decorations while Adrian tried to reach for the scissors and rubbed the tape in his bean and cheese quesadilla and chewed on construction paper instead! It's always messy around here!
Also got one of those front door locks today. Of course it was not on sale, only the other door locks were but I guess I have a special door. Found cute skull and crossbone socks for Halloween but did not find any costume. I'm hoping to find a lobster constume so he can be 'Lobster Biss'....teeheehee.
OneStepAhead.com is a fun shopping site. Also stumbled upon Crayola.com/colorme where you can upload a photo and it turns it into a colorable picture. Use the code PR24QCHT to print your coloring sheet. It's very cool! While we're at it, good articles and advice can be found on huggies.com website and I always use BabyCenter.com website for questions, info and updates! Enjoy!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
16 Months and 4 Weeks! Holy Cow!
Adrian's a runner....and by runner I mean 'away from home.' Yikes! He gets a sneaky little gleam in his eye and starts running before his eyes are even focused on where he's going! Only thing that draws him back to him is the chance to 'drive' my car. At least that still works. Soon I'm afraid, nothing will. I'm running out of ideas and it's taking twice as long to get ready in the morning. I need to also still get one of those door handle locks.
When I say 'I love you' to Adrian, he runs at me with his mouth open wide and gives me a kiss. He knows what it means and thats his way of saying 'I love you too.' It warms me up from my tippy toes to my split ends.
Today we went to Oktoberfest in downtown Fort Collins with our neighbor friends. Fun dancing!
When I say 'I love you' to Adrian, he runs at me with his mouth open wide and gives me a kiss. He knows what it means and thats his way of saying 'I love you too.' It warms me up from my tippy toes to my split ends.
Today we went to Oktoberfest in downtown Fort Collins with our neighbor friends. Fun dancing!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Video in this post...
I have not posted a video in quite some time. It takes longer than typing a note or uploading pics. Sorry...some of you may not recognize the little man he's so active these days.
Adrian's really trying to talk more. Mimicked 'fish' and 'ooohoooh' for monkeys when we were reviewing his (yes homework) animal flash cards...something I picked up at a garage sale for 50 cents. They are beautiful photographs of about 25 different animals and insects. He stares and is interested as we go through them daily. He really wanted to eat his rasberries off the page of his book today as well and kept signing 'please' more' as if that would work for me to pluck them directly from his picture book. I only wish I could, or that it wasn't dark so we could go to our backyard greenbelt and pick some for him like we did yesterday. He says 'pzzz' which I think is 'please' when he wants something. He says 'that' and points when he wants something. He turns your head for you to take notice of things he's interested in. He says 'hi' 'bye' and 'no' and maybe 'yes.' He holds his hand up to you when he wants to cross the street-good to learn those rules early on. He gets his way a lot...is that spoiled or called choosing your battles....I like to think the more I give now, the easier it will be to take negotiate later on. Also he's learning now, can't happen if he can't explore.
Giving kisses galore! Which we adore!
Uncle Steven, friend from out east, is visiting again. He's a landscaper and has tackled our yard, garden, bushes and trees. Everything is ship-shape or in the process of... I have had no time this summer with work and chasing a toddler down the street, to keep up with the yard. I won't let anyone pick the accidental tomato from the compost pile though. I picked about 10 green beans that I planted from the one plant that did not get pummeled by the hail we had early summer also but then the creeping morning glories ate the green bean plant right up. The weeds were towering. Thanks to Steven though it looks once again like a garden area!!!
Uncle Greg is back from hiking the Continental Divide Trail. He was taking a break for his knee to heal and then completed it and is back in FC. He was actually just in my kitchen and Adrian got so excited to see him and kept going up to him and leaning on him. So smart and big that he recognizes people even if they leave for short periods of time.
It's a frequent occurance that I have really detailed dreams/nightmares of mountain lions. Last night was one of those nights and Adrian was with me also. The lions usually just stalk me and I'm usually the most frightened of anyone around, where other's downplay the fear I have of these huge animals that want to eat me. Each dream is different....setting. details. even different lions. They find me no matter where I go. It's quite frightening and extremely worrisome that they are so frequent...about once every 2-3 months. So needless to say, I don't think I want to go camping tomorrow or Sat night with Barry and his friends/family. I'm a little terrified b/c usually my dreams occur when I'm camping. I think it's a sign.
Cavyn's 1st Birthday is on Saturday! We went shopping last night but Adrian left my debit card in the ToysRUs Parkinglot. Life Skills Lesson Duh: Don't trust your babies to keep track of important things like I do.
TGIF Tomorrow!!!!
Adrian Dancing-we often have dance parties in the kitchen. He knows how to play/pause his music if I leave the boombox on.
Adrian's really trying to talk more. Mimicked 'fish' and 'ooohoooh' for monkeys when we were reviewing his (yes homework) animal flash cards...something I picked up at a garage sale for 50 cents. They are beautiful photographs of about 25 different animals and insects. He stares and is interested as we go through them daily. He really wanted to eat his rasberries off the page of his book today as well and kept signing 'please' more' as if that would work for me to pluck them directly from his picture book. I only wish I could, or that it wasn't dark so we could go to our backyard greenbelt and pick some for him like we did yesterday. He says 'pzzz' which I think is 'please' when he wants something. He says 'that' and points when he wants something. He turns your head for you to take notice of things he's interested in. He says 'hi' 'bye' and 'no' and maybe 'yes.' He holds his hand up to you when he wants to cross the street-good to learn those rules early on. He gets his way a lot...is that spoiled or called choosing your battles....I like to think the more I give now, the easier it will be to take negotiate later on. Also he's learning now, can't happen if he can't explore.
Giving kisses galore! Which we adore!
Uncle Steven, friend from out east, is visiting again. He's a landscaper and has tackled our yard, garden, bushes and trees. Everything is ship-shape or in the process of... I have had no time this summer with work and chasing a toddler down the street, to keep up with the yard. I won't let anyone pick the accidental tomato from the compost pile though. I picked about 10 green beans that I planted from the one plant that did not get pummeled by the hail we had early summer also but then the creeping morning glories ate the green bean plant right up. The weeds were towering. Thanks to Steven though it looks once again like a garden area!!!
Uncle Greg is back from hiking the Continental Divide Trail. He was taking a break for his knee to heal and then completed it and is back in FC. He was actually just in my kitchen and Adrian got so excited to see him and kept going up to him and leaning on him. So smart and big that he recognizes people even if they leave for short periods of time.
It's a frequent occurance that I have really detailed dreams/nightmares of mountain lions. Last night was one of those nights and Adrian was with me also. The lions usually just stalk me and I'm usually the most frightened of anyone around, where other's downplay the fear I have of these huge animals that want to eat me. Each dream is different....setting. details. even different lions. They find me no matter where I go. It's quite frightening and extremely worrisome that they are so frequent...about once every 2-3 months. So needless to say, I don't think I want to go camping tomorrow or Sat night with Barry and his friends/family. I'm a little terrified b/c usually my dreams occur when I'm camping. I think it's a sign.
Cavyn's 1st Birthday is on Saturday! We went shopping last night but Adrian left my debit card in the ToysRUs Parkinglot. Life Skills Lesson Duh: Don't trust your babies to keep track of important things like I do.
TGIF Tomorrow!!!!
Adrian Dancing-we often have dance parties in the kitchen. He knows how to play/pause his music if I leave the boombox on.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Update at 16 Months and 9 Days...
I wish I had time to be a writer...I always feel so rushed and then I run into cute little blogs where work at home mom's seem to have more time then me and it makes me jealous.
New Words
Anyways... Adrian can say new words now: 'go' and 'up' as in "go away dogs" and "shut up dogs". Ha! Takes after his mom is all I can say! He signs 'please' and I swear he almost copied me earlier. He also signs 'milk' for nurse, signs 'eat' and 'more' for 'I want.' He really wanted some rasberries we had just picked from our bushes in the greenbelt. He says "off" when he wants me to open something like the diaper creme so he can suck on it. I'm pretty sure he can say 'no' but luckily doesn't use it unless copying someone. "Hi" is big now too and he'll say it to any old stranger especially when we're shopping. He says 'ff..ff' for 'fan'. He can also sign two words together such as 'please' 'more' or 'please' eat' when prompted. He is babbling incessantly and for always being such a quiet baby it's nice to hear him so vocal sometimes as a toddler. Someday I may regret those words but for now it's cute. High fives are super popular right now as are kisses...the 'wide open mouth somewhere on the face' kind...my favorites!
The Nature of Things
Smarty pants is starting to understand how everything works, including the doors. He usually closes doors, and hence traps himself in the bathroom or bedroom alone, so probably good thing that he's also learning to open the doors. We have the non traditional door handles that have a handle and pull down. He slides the chair to the table to get on. He tries to unscrew caps and pull lids off of containers. He fits things inside other things...anything really. He takes the heat/air grates out of the floor. He opens and closes the car door from the inside and tries to fit the keys in the ignition. He fits himself into small nooks and crannies like the stroller basket underneath the seat and is slowly learning about backing out of said crooks and nannies! He tries to dress himself-especially his socks and shoes and pants. He sits on his big boy potty. He knows where his diapers go and even how to be funny by putting a diaper on his head and running around the house like a goofball. He plays fetch with dogs by throwing their balls a foot in front of him. He hums into fans to make vibrating voice sounds.
Oh the Possibities of the Wide Outdoor World
The second he's got shoes on in the morning he rushes to the front door and is ready to go play outside. He cries when it's breakfast time and not outside time. He hates being inside b/c the outdoors exists. Sometimes we eat outside just for fun. Whenever out front, Adrian's usually scoping out the nearest escape route and is starting to run down the sidewalk instead of just walk. He will only go one way and refuses to walk back, always has to be carried, even if we go down to the end of the block and can't even see the house anymore. He understands that he gets further on his own if he stays on the sidewalk and is starting to hold hands crossing the street instead of sitting and sulking and then having to be carried. He's learning... He also has his father's sense of direction and walked Barry to the park from G'ma's house the other day on his own. Barry just followed and held his hand crossing streets. Who knew? Also today from reports from G'ma, all he wanted to do was be outside and go to the park. He was very cranky all day, anytime spent inside and not at the park. The went to the park 3 times b/c of this. Maybe his room should be moved to the backyard...we do have a kennel with a dog door that goes to the backyard...hhhmmm. The dogs would rather be inside anytime they're outside anyway. I think
this might work out to Adrian's advantage.
Body Parts
Adrian knows where the belly, peepee, nose, ear, nipple, foot and toes are. We're working on the rest of the body parts still. When he drives his toy cars I say 'beepbeep' he gets confused and finds the peepee!!! Then does it again b/c we laugh. Barry's a little concerned about him doing this in public which makes me laugh harder. I think he's starting to understand that moms and dads are different and he likes to try to bite Barry's nipples...pretty darn hilarious if you ask me. He's still a toe biter-don't really know what to do with that issue...maybe we should stop chewing on his toes. He usually wakes Barry up in the morning biting his toes and Barry squealing. I can only laugh, b/c my feet don't hang so far off the bed. HA!
Anyways...there's the update for now.
New Words
Anyways... Adrian can say new words now: 'go' and 'up' as in "go away dogs" and "shut up dogs". Ha! Takes after his mom is all I can say! He signs 'please' and I swear he almost copied me earlier. He also signs 'milk' for nurse, signs 'eat' and 'more' for 'I want.' He really wanted some rasberries we had just picked from our bushes in the greenbelt. He says "off" when he wants me to open something like the diaper creme so he can suck on it. I'm pretty sure he can say 'no' but luckily doesn't use it unless copying someone. "Hi" is big now too and he'll say it to any old stranger especially when we're shopping. He says 'ff..ff' for 'fan'. He can also sign two words together such as 'please' 'more' or 'please' eat' when prompted. He is babbling incessantly and for always being such a quiet baby it's nice to hear him so vocal sometimes as a toddler. Someday I may regret those words but for now it's cute. High fives are super popular right now as are kisses...the 'wide open mouth somewhere on the face' kind...my favorites!
The Nature of Things
Smarty pants is starting to understand how everything works, including the doors. He usually closes doors, and hence traps himself in the bathroom or bedroom alone, so probably good thing that he's also learning to open the doors. We have the non traditional door handles that have a handle and pull down. He slides the chair to the table to get on. He tries to unscrew caps and pull lids off of containers. He fits things inside other things...anything really. He takes the heat/air grates out of the floor. He opens and closes the car door from the inside and tries to fit the keys in the ignition. He fits himself into small nooks and crannies like the stroller basket underneath the seat and is slowly learning about backing out of said crooks and nannies! He tries to dress himself-especially his socks and shoes and pants. He sits on his big boy potty. He knows where his diapers go and even how to be funny by putting a diaper on his head and running around the house like a goofball. He plays fetch with dogs by throwing their balls a foot in front of him. He hums into fans to make vibrating voice sounds.
Oh the Possibities of the Wide Outdoor World
The second he's got shoes on in the morning he rushes to the front door and is ready to go play outside. He cries when it's breakfast time and not outside time. He hates being inside b/c the outdoors exists. Sometimes we eat outside just for fun. Whenever out front, Adrian's usually scoping out the nearest escape route and is starting to run down the sidewalk instead of just walk. He will only go one way and refuses to walk back, always has to be carried, even if we go down to the end of the block and can't even see the house anymore. He understands that he gets further on his own if he stays on the sidewalk and is starting to hold hands crossing the street instead of sitting and sulking and then having to be carried. He's learning... He also has his father's sense of direction and walked Barry to the park from G'ma's house the other day on his own. Barry just followed and held his hand crossing streets. Who knew? Also today from reports from G'ma, all he wanted to do was be outside and go to the park. He was very cranky all day, anytime spent inside and not at the park. The went to the park 3 times b/c of this. Maybe his room should be moved to the backyard...we do have a kennel with a dog door that goes to the backyard...hhhmmm. The dogs would rather be inside anytime they're outside anyway. I think
this might work out to Adrian's advantage.
Body Parts
Adrian knows where the belly, peepee, nose, ear, nipple, foot and toes are. We're working on the rest of the body parts still. When he drives his toy cars I say 'beepbeep' he gets confused and finds the peepee!!! Then does it again b/c we laugh. Barry's a little concerned about him doing this in public which makes me laugh harder. I think he's starting to understand that moms and dads are different and he likes to try to bite Barry's nipples...pretty darn hilarious if you ask me. He's still a toe biter-don't really know what to do with that issue...maybe we should stop chewing on his toes. He usually wakes Barry up in the morning biting his toes and Barry squealing. I can only laugh, b/c my feet don't hang so far off the bed. HA!
Anyways...there's the update for now.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Picture Update: My 16 Month Old

Love wrestling with my puppy dog from my Auntie Ronnie! I kiss his nose and bite his paws. His name is 'Puppy'!

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