Adrian's B-day is coming up!!! So exciting! Adrian got 2 packages today in the mail....woo hoo!
He looks like such a big boy these days. He is babbling more sounds. He points at everything and waves. He loves his 'dada' and his 'gogs' and 'gats'. His 'ga' (grandpa tim) loves playing with him. He also knows to sign 'all done'. His mad cry is being used more often and you can tell when his mouth opens wide and square and he squeezes tears out and gets all red. It's also a very loud yell/cry. I hate when he uses this.
He LOVES playing outside and crawls around in the grass. He's so adventurous!!!
He went to bed before I got home today :( At least I visited him on break.
Adrian might be allergic/sensitive to cow's milk. We're holding off for a little while since he threw up the first 3 times he drank some.