Long time...no write. I've been busy.
What's new with the babo:
Adrian says 'ga' and 'gog' for cat and dog and 'mama' and 'dada'. He waves bye bye and says 'da'. He climbs to standing on everything especially mommy's legs when she's busy or when he's in the bathtub. He's crying from separation anxiety more when mommy drops him off. But he's great with strangers/others as long as he knows mom and dad are near and warms up to them quickly. He won't take bottles from most people: only g'ma, mom, and dad. Otherwise he won't drink anything. He's still a picky eater but is getting much better for mom! He eats just about anything, only when he feels like it though. He LOVES other babies and kids. He LOVES playing outside and going on walks and playing at the park! He loves playing 'chase' by either crawling after and then being chased or by mommy holding him and chasing the neighbor boys or the dogs and cats! He loves crawling around on the neighbor's trampoline. He's great at sitting and playing by himself with his toys. He is mimicing the correct use of objects, like stirring the spoon in the toy bowl at his toy kitchen or pushing his trucks back and forth or banging on his drum and shaking his musical instruments. He loves watching and listening to daddy play instruments. Everything still goes in his mouth including sand and rocks and pennies. Adrian's good at sharing. He shares his food and his toys and his toothbrush! He shares showers and baths and even tries to share sand at the playground!
He doesn't like that mommy is trying to get him to stay in bed all night long, especially since he still wakes up at least twice a night: still going to bed at 9, waking at 11 and again at 4, then awake at about 7/8. He still takes 2-3 naps a day, depending on who is watching him. With mom, he sleeps from 9:30-11, then 2-3/3:30, then 6-7 if he's really worn out and to bed by 9pm. If we sleep in on the weekend he only takes 2 naps. He's been getting more diaper rashes lately but his hives are gone.
(A 1st) He just figured out how to turn himself around on the stairs tonight for daddy. Mommy was so surprised when he came down and no one had turned him around! Less worries of tumbling onto his head now! Although what does that matter since he always bonks his head into the wall on his own accord anyway. He's a head banger but thankfully doesn't do it out of anger. He has started to show when he is 'mad' by screaming and his face turns red and you can tell it's an mad/upset 'I want my own way' look! I just ignore it and talk to him about his other options like crawling his little butt to find his mom the other way and not by means of playing with the toilet since that is not an option for a recent example, as he sat by the closed door and banged on it screaming. He finally realized his options and crawled around and climbed on me instead of the toilet and was over it.
I want to say that (he's not sick anymore and hasn't been since before the rash) but I'm afraid it will come back if I say that. Hopefully he's over it all.
On April 16 and 17th I am spending the whole 2 days and a night away from my baby! I will seriously have to take it hour by hour. I am doing it b/c I have training required for work and I think Adrian's old enough to handle it and it's good for me to let Barry do this and to know that I can do it. I hope he's sleeping through the night by then....hhmmm....we'll see! I am dreading the day it comes since I signed up the other day :( My other potential option is to spend the night in Longmont with family and to drive to S. Denver early in the AM. I figure it's a good chance for me to hang out with my coworkers though and drive/stress less.
Lately we are busy planning his b-day! It's going to be a BBQ in the back yard. We're grilling, probably asking people to bring a side dishes, providing frisbee and other outdoor games in the green belt, thinking about live music, and there will most likely be a keg. 1 year olds sure like to party it up! Hopefully it doesn't snow 5 feet the night before.
Tomorrow I am finally going to get my post-natal massage (a gift from my thoughtful hubby ummm...2 xmas' ago). Does anyone know I am a procrastinator? or maybe I just treasure things for the right moment. And right now my back is in need! Hence the reason I am highly encouraging my baby to stay in his bed all night, even if I do have to go feed him in the middle of the night. I may have even just ignored him last night since I was so tired. Seriously, he only sleeps 2 hours and then decides he's famished. What is that? Maybe it's b/c I work all day and he just wants to be near me all the time I'm home. He's a mama's boy and I love it!
Then at 2 we're meeting cousins and friends at the park to play!
We're so excited for cousin Ashley and her BF Eddie and our new family member Aiden River! He's growing so big and strong and we can't wait to go meet him. He was born 12 weeks early but he's a fighter and is proving that he was ready to be here! We had a baby shower BBQ last sunday and got to meet Eddie and see Jennifer and Ashley! And they got to meet all the babos!!